School Lunches
Pupils can order a hot lunch or bring a packed lunch from home. Menu selections are made at the start of the week, given either by the parents to the office for Key Stage 1 children, or directly to the class teacher for Key Stage 2 children. Menus are sent home with children at the end of each week so that you can order in advance.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals as part of the Department for Education's Universal Free School Meals offer. Children in Years 3 to 6 need to pay if they are having a school lunch, with the exception of those entitled to pupil premium funding (for further information, see page under the 'Key Information' tab).
Please note that payment needs to be made online via ParentPay and paid in advance. The lunches are brought from the local company Caterlink. Their latest menu can be found by here.
If you choose to bring a packed lunch to school, we ask that it be healthy with sandwiches, fruit and a biscuit or a little cake. Sweets are not allowed. We also encourage a ban on single-use-plastics. So please no plastic straws, crisp packets and other plastic packaging. Thank you.
If you think you may be eligible for free school meals please contact the office.