Ever thought of becoming a school governor?
We have a dedicated and professional Governing body. Being a governor is a great opportunity to make a difference to our school and learn new skills. If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact Nick Fisher, Chair of Governors via the school for more information.
The Full Governing Body is made up of a total of 10 governors consisting of:
3 Parent Governors
2 Foundation Governors
2 Co-opted Governors
1 Local Authority Governor
1 Staff Governor
1 Headteacher
Our Governors
The Revd Dr Nicholas Fisher
Chair of Governors
Tenure: 30/04/2024 - 29/04/2028
Formerly rector of Sherborne parish.
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings last academy year: 100%
Jonathan Summers
Vice Chair of Governors
Tenure: 09/04/2024 - 08/04/2028
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings last academy year: 100%
Responsibilities: Finance. Curriculum link Languages and Computing.
Eleanor Crosbie-Dawson
Tenure: 03/02/2023 - 02/02/2027
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings last academy year: 100%
Responsibilities: Curriculum link English and PSHE.
Duncan Lambourne
Staff Governor
Elected by school staff
Tenure: 19/10/2022 - 18/10/2024
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings last academy year: 100%
Responsibilities: Representative member of staff
John Moore
Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher
Tenure: Appointed 1/9/2016
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings last academy year: 100%
Responsibilities: Headteacher
Emily Penfold
Foundation Governor
Appointed by foundation/trust
Tenure: 18/12/2021 - 17/12/2025
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings last academy year: 100%
Responsibilities: Collective Worship & Christian Distinctiveness. Curriculum link Early Years and RE.
Piers Pether
Parent Governor
Elected by parents
Tenure: 24/04/2022 - 23/04/2026
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings last academy year: 100%
Responsibilities: Premises. Curriculum link DT and Music.
Will Russell
Parent Governor
Elected by parents
Tenure: 24/05/2022 - 23/05/2026
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings last academy year: 100%
Responsibilities: Safeguarding. Curriculum link Art & Design and Geography.
Governing Body Working Groups
Christian Distinctiveness
Curriculum Workgroup
Finance Workgroup
Site Workgroup
Nicholas Fisher, Emily Penfold, William Russel
John Moore
John Moore, Jonathan Summers, Amanda Wilks Finance Officer
Piers Pether and Jonathan Summers
Register of Governor interest
Dr. Nicholas Fisher:
Piers Pether:
Trustee of Little Barrington Trust
Director Pethers of Burford Limited. Spouse of School Administrator
Governing Body Members serving in the last 12 months
Flora Ellis stepped down 28/09/2022
Kate Harris stepped down 5/12/2022